
A collection of CTF challenge writeups.

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I wrote a new asymmetric encryption algorithm, and it is truly unbreakable!

Don’t believe me? What if I told you I repeatedly hashed the input using SHA-256?

See you in fifty million years or so when you finally bruteforced my private key! >:)

Apart from the message description above, we get the Python source code to this very sophisticated encryption algorithm.

import hashlib
import sys
import math


def encrypt(plain_text, key):
    result = bytearray()

    padding_size = math.ceil(len(plain_text) / BLOCK_SIZE) * BLOCK_SIZE
    plain_text = plain_text.ljust(padding_size, b'\0')

    for i in range(0, len(plain_text), BLOCK_SIZE):
        result.extend(encrypt_block(plain_text[i:i+BLOCK_SIZE], key))

    return result

def encrypt_block(block, key):
    a = block[0:BLOCK_SIZE // 2]
    b = block[BLOCK_SIZE // 2:BLOCK_SIZE]

    for k in key:
        c = hashlib.sha256(b + bytes([k])).digest()[0:BLOCK_SIZE // 2]
        a, b = b, bytes(x ^ y for x, y in zip(c, a))

    return b + a

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
        print(f"Usage {sys.argv[0]} <plain_text> <public_key>")

    p = bytes.fromhex(sys.argv[1])
    k = bytes.fromhex(sys.argv[2])

    encrypted = encrypt(p, k)

Looks intimidating, right? Well… not so fast.

A couple of notes

Just by skimming over the source code quickly, we can deduce a few things:

  1. It claims to be an asymmetric encryption algorithm, where the blocks are 16 bytes long.

  2. The input message is padded with zero bytes (\0) if it isn’t exactly the right length.

  3. The input and the output are exactly the same length.

What is actually going on here?

Well, in order to get an answer to that question, let’s break down the encrypt_block function!

So, what do we do now? SHA-256 cannot be reversed… right? Well no, but here? …also no…

The kicker

Even though SHA-256 is a secure hashing algorithm, the way it’s used here doesn’t make a big difference. Why? Well… let’s think about it for a second. The XOR operation there basically gives us a backdoor. Just by reversing the key, we can break this! All we have to do is slap [::-1] after bytes.fromhex(sys.argv[2]) and run it with the input given in the description of the challenge. And just like that, we get a hex string, which is just ASCII for RTN{3ncrypt_b3c0m3s_D3crypT_1f_K3y_is_R3v3rs3d}. Wonderful. (note that in my solution I perform the ASCII conversion, so you get the flag directly, rather than a hex string)